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About Us


PolicyTM - company was founded with an aim to provide consumers with expert guidance in selecting health, life, travel & corporate insurance plans from top insurance companies in India.

We shall be prompt, proactive and honest with our customer while Providing Total Insurance-Solutions from efficient and transparent Insurance Companies. We shall go beyond call of duty during their trouble times. We shall provide cutting edge technology based services with human touch. We shall secure our presence in every customers mind as an extended family member!

Our Vision

Create a Brand which is trusted by clients not for its size but its distinctive uniqueness of delivering things blended with Quality, Reliability, Accountability & Sensibility.

Our Mission

Our mission is to be the first choice by delivering relevant and accessible insurance solutions. Our vision is to actively protect and enhance people’s lives.

Our Values

  • Deliver on the promise
  • Value our people
  • Live the community
  • Be open

Trust & Safety


To deliver the best to our customers, we make sure that we provide unbiased quotes from top insurance companies of India.


Accuracy is the stepping stone of PolicyTM Since the beginning, we ensure that we are providing accurate information through our content to our customers.


We are a trustworthy platform with informative and accurate content to serve better. We are here to help you from the start of the purchase till the claim process.


We are an SSL secured platform which takes care of your privacy. We keep all of your information safe and secure.